Everything is better with garlic, including your garden. We now have a diverse assortment of over 40 varieties of garlic for sale. If you've ever thought about planting garlic, fall is traditionally the best time to do so. In Northern California, you should plant garlic by the end of the first week of November. After planting, you will notice growth in approximately two to three weeks as your garlic begins sending up tiny green shoots through your soil. Around June, your garlic will begin forming what's known as garlic scapes. Cut off the scapes so the plant can focus its energy on developing the head of the garlic. Garlic scapes are a delicious addition in many meals. Stop watering your garlic in June and let them rest until harvest in July.
Not only does garlic have amazing flavor, studies have shown that there are many medicinal benefits to it as well. It's great for your metabolism, has anti-cancer properties, boosts the immune system, fights high blood pressure, is rich in antioxidants, is a proven detoxifying food and is good for cognitive brain functions and memory. The list goes on.
Garlic is incredibly useful in the kitchen and surprisingly easy to grow in the garden. Aside from weeding and mulching, garlic is a low maintenance crop. If you've never planted a winter garden and have a bed that usually sits empty all winter, then garlic may be the perfect option for you. Come by today and find the variety that best fits your taste.
Available Garlic Varieties Ajo Rojo, Armenian, Bogatyr, Brown Saxon, Brown Tempest, California Early, California Late, Carpathian, Chesnok Red, China Stripe, Chinese Puprle, Duganski, Early Red Italian, Ferganskij, Geogian Crystal, Geogian Fire, German White, German Red, Germinador, Idaho Silver, Inchelium Red, Killarney Red, Labea, Metechi, Mild French, Montana Zemo, Music, Native Creole, Persian Star, Polish Hardneck, Purple Glazer, Red Grain, Romanian Red, Rose De Lautec, Russian Red, Shatili Siberian, Sicilian Silver, Silver Rose, Spanish Benitee, Spanish Roja, Uzbek, Vekak.